I hear all the time that people want change, more choices, and better candidates. The talk of third parties comes up often as a solution. But is a new major third party or more third party candidates good for Democracy or a path towards the Destruction of basic American fundamentals? As Americans we believe in Democracy, the notion of "Majority Rule, Minority Rights", right? See:
I started thinking about third parties as I was reading about the Libertarian Party (LP) see their official website at:
I believe in most of their platform: individual rights, less government, personal freedom but is the inclusion of third parties beneficial to our society? Can it help with our troubled system of government?
According to a Pew Research Center poll released in 2006, 53% of respondents wanted a third political party in addition to Republicans and Democrats. See:
But what if a major third party was created and it was no longer majority rule. Because of the third party, a candidate could be elected with only 33.4% of the votes. If another major party was created then the percentage would fall even more. Is this what we want, only a fraction of the population electing the leader of the free world?
There is another drawback: with the inclusion of more major political parties it would increase the likelihood of radical and fringe groups gaining power. The American Communist Party, an Islamic-fundalmentist group, or a domestic terrorist group such as ELF could hold power in America. Remember with 10 major political parties, only 11% could send a President to The White House. With all the problems that face the two-party system of government, at least a majority of the country (either Electoral College or population) elects our leader.
Be careful what you wish for!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Spitzer Lied about Troopergate
Albany, New York's District Attorney David Soares released his second investigative report dealing with then-Governor Elliot Spitzer's releasing of the travel records of New York State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno. See:
Soares reports that Spitzer had ordered the Majority Leader's travel records released in an attempt to disgrace Senator Joe Bruno. In fact, a grand jury was summoned before Elliot Spitzer resigned on March 17, 2008. Also, according to the Times Union, Spitzer used a divide-and-conquer approach to try to shift the majority in the New York State Senate. See:
He tried to recruit Republican Senators for his cabinet in by doing so, shrinking the Republican majority. His plan would have worked but most of the Senators said no (except Senator Balboni, who became a homeland security chief, and his seat went the other way in a special election).
This is the level of political dirty tricks that Spitzer had been up to. I hope Governor David Paterson isn't engage in these tactics
Soares reports that Spitzer had ordered the Majority Leader's travel records released in an attempt to disgrace Senator Joe Bruno. In fact, a grand jury was summoned before Elliot Spitzer resigned on March 17, 2008. Also, according to the Times Union, Spitzer used a divide-and-conquer approach to try to shift the majority in the New York State Senate. See:
He tried to recruit Republican Senators for his cabinet in by doing so, shrinking the Republican majority. His plan would have worked but most of the Senators said no (except Senator Balboni, who became a homeland security chief, and his seat went the other way in a special election).
This is the level of political dirty tricks that Spitzer had been up to. I hope Governor David Paterson isn't engage in these tactics
Friday, March 28, 2008
Former Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has been campaigning for John McCain, despite a bitter relationship during the primaries. See:
The Public Sphere Debate wrote earlier in the month that it would be a McCain/Romney ticket. See:
I believe that this would be the strongest ticket when taken into consideration popularity, economic background, ticket balance, and LOTS OF MONEY!!! The primary race is a large gamble but it is another thing to be guaranteed on the ballot going in. I'm sure that Romney would contribute millions to the campaign. VP for Romney would also set him up for a 2012 or 2016 Presidential campaign.
We need to unite the party and Mitt Romney gives us the best chance.
The Public Sphere Debate wrote earlier in the month that it would be a McCain/Romney ticket. See:
I believe that this would be the strongest ticket when taken into consideration popularity, economic background, ticket balance, and LOTS OF MONEY!!! The primary race is a large gamble but it is another thing to be guaranteed on the ballot going in. I'm sure that Romney would contribute millions to the campaign. VP for Romney would also set him up for a 2012 or 2016 Presidential campaign.
We need to unite the party and Mitt Romney gives us the best chance.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Should David Paterson Resign?
According to WNYT, an NBC affiliate in Albany, New York, see:
reports that Governor David Paterson has stopped answering personal questions dealing with his past. This whole David Paterson situation has got me thinking: is this a political blunder on his part or a great public relations move? I mean, was this good advice from his aides? Should Paterson have been so open with the public, especially after only minutes from Elliot Spitzer resigning? Was getting this all out in the beginning and trying to move passed it, the best for New York? We shall see how much this interferes with the budget process and future business of the state.
Paterson stated that he wanted to come clean about his past so that he could not have been blackmailed during his Governorship. For this reason I believe it was a good move. The main issue that I had with Spitzer was that he left open the possibility of black mail. Having a double life enables thugs a chance of using blackmail against you (especially high-powered individuals). To air out all of Paterson's dirty laundry was a smart move. Good advice from his aides. BUT, him doing so also gave journalists, reporters, and the like a reason to dig deeper on Paterson. It was found out that he spent tax payer money on hotel rooms while in Albany (as he owns a home in Guilderland, about 20 minutes from Albany and has a full-time driver). Patterson should be careful of what else the media finds. It won't take long before the scale tips and the people are fed up.
Paterson has a good chance of coming away from this but that can change at any time. I don't believe that Governor David Paterson should resign yet. If a scandal is discovered, he must step down as fast as he admitted to affiars and drugs. New York has important work to do. The state is a mess and needs to clean up.
What do you think?
reports that Governor David Paterson has stopped answering personal questions dealing with his past. This whole David Paterson situation has got me thinking: is this a political blunder on his part or a great public relations move? I mean, was this good advice from his aides? Should Paterson have been so open with the public, especially after only minutes from Elliot Spitzer resigning? Was getting this all out in the beginning and trying to move passed it, the best for New York? We shall see how much this interferes with the budget process and future business of the state.
Paterson stated that he wanted to come clean about his past so that he could not have been blackmailed during his Governorship. For this reason I believe it was a good move. The main issue that I had with Spitzer was that he left open the possibility of black mail. Having a double life enables thugs a chance of using blackmail against you (especially high-powered individuals). To air out all of Paterson's dirty laundry was a smart move. Good advice from his aides. BUT, him doing so also gave journalists, reporters, and the like a reason to dig deeper on Paterson. It was found out that he spent tax payer money on hotel rooms while in Albany (as he owns a home in Guilderland, about 20 minutes from Albany and has a full-time driver). Patterson should be careful of what else the media finds. It won't take long before the scale tips and the people are fed up.
Paterson has a good chance of coming away from this but that can change at any time. I don't believe that Governor David Paterson should resign yet. If a scandal is discovered, he must step down as fast as he admitted to affiars and drugs. New York has important work to do. The state is a mess and needs to clean up.
What do you think?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Bruno's Revenge
More information has come to light regarding the battle between Elliot Spitzer and Joe Bruno, a battle in which Bruno won. See The New York Times:
also see the New York Post:
Apparently, Spitzer had ordered and had full knowledge of the smear campaign against Joseph Bruno. Spitzer was "spitting mad" and wanted the travel details of Bruno released. Team Spitzer used the Albany newspaper The Times Union to release the story. This attack got Bruno mad. Bruno, arguably the most powerful man in New York, got his revenge eight days ago as Spitzer resigned as Governor. I have been linking Bruno to Spitzer since the day that the news broke about Spitzer and a prostitution ring. Roger Stone, a long time Bruno consultant, allegedly was the one who tipped off the FBI to Spitzer's prostitution habits.
If new Governor David Paterson resigns due to his affairs/drugs/more-to-come, then acting-Lt. Governor and Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno would assume the role of "acting governor" and still be able to keep his Senate Majority Leader title. As Fred Dicker reports, Bruno would be "functioning in both roles and literally able to cast votes in the Senate chamber on the third floor of the Capitol and then go down to the Executive Chamber on the second to administer the state. That would allow him to nominate individuals for high public office, including judgeships, and then vote on their confirmation by the Senate", see:
This would make Bruno a "Super (acting) Governor" with "Super Powers". But there would be an upside to this as the budget deadline looms. Instead of having the "three men in a room" scenario (Governor David Paterson, Speaker Sheldon Silver, and Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno), there would be only two (acting Governor and Senate Majority Leader Bruno and Speaker Silver). Maybe the process would be more efficient.
What is going to happen? No one knows yet. It seems as with every new day, more comes out about Governor Paterson. How much more can come out before it starts to interfere with his duties as Governor and the budget negotiation?
also see the New York Post:
Apparently, Spitzer had ordered and had full knowledge of the smear campaign against Joseph Bruno. Spitzer was "spitting mad" and wanted the travel details of Bruno released. Team Spitzer used the Albany newspaper The Times Union to release the story. This attack got Bruno mad. Bruno, arguably the most powerful man in New York, got his revenge eight days ago as Spitzer resigned as Governor. I have been linking Bruno to Spitzer since the day that the news broke about Spitzer and a prostitution ring. Roger Stone, a long time Bruno consultant, allegedly was the one who tipped off the FBI to Spitzer's prostitution habits.
If new Governor David Paterson resigns due to his affairs/drugs/more-to-come, then acting-Lt. Governor and Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno would assume the role of "acting governor" and still be able to keep his Senate Majority Leader title. As Fred Dicker reports, Bruno would be "functioning in both roles and literally able to cast votes in the Senate chamber on the third floor of the Capitol and then go down to the Executive Chamber on the second to administer the state. That would allow him to nominate individuals for high public office, including judgeships, and then vote on their confirmation by the Senate", see:
This would make Bruno a "Super (acting) Governor" with "Super Powers". But there would be an upside to this as the budget deadline looms. Instead of having the "three men in a room" scenario (Governor David Paterson, Speaker Sheldon Silver, and Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno), there would be only two (acting Governor and Senate Majority Leader Bruno and Speaker Silver). Maybe the process would be more efficient.
What is going to happen? No one knows yet. It seems as with every new day, more comes out about Governor Paterson. How much more can come out before it starts to interfere with his duties as Governor and the budget negotiation?
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Did Elliot Spitzer get outed by Joe Bruno?
In my post of march 11, 2008 I stated that New York State Majority Leader Joseph Bruno probably helped in the taking down of Elliot Spitzer. New information has come to light on some of the early details in the chain-of-events that ultimately lead to the downfall of Spitzer. In an article by the Miami Herald, see:
It states that Roger Stone, a former top political consultant and friend of Joe Bruno, tipped FBI off to an Elliot Spitzer sex romp that allegedly occurred in Florida. As it turns out also, Stone played a pivotal role in the 2000 Election recount/no count in Florida. If in fact Roger Stone was the one that informed the FBI about Spitzer, there is no doubt in my mind that Bruno had his hand in this.
The New York Times had an article regarding Stone also, see:
In this article, Stone resigned from his position as a consultant for the New York State Republicans after an allegation that Stone left a threatening message with Spitzer's father about bad loans in Elliot Spitzer's 1994 Attorney General election. According to the article, Stone had been known for dirty tactics.
Can we conect-the-dots from Bruno to Stone? If Stone had damaging information about Spitzer, do you think that he would share this with Bruno, especially after Spitzer came after Bruno first? I do. It is only natural. But is this proof that Bruno had a role in the Spitzer resignation? Not yet, but I'm sure there will be more to come. Again, I'm not condemning Bruno for what he did. I'm a Bruno supporter. Spitzer drew first blood with the most powerful man in New York State and Bruno did what he had to do.
It states that Roger Stone, a former top political consultant and friend of Joe Bruno, tipped FBI off to an Elliot Spitzer sex romp that allegedly occurred in Florida. As it turns out also, Stone played a pivotal role in the 2000 Election recount/no count in Florida. If in fact Roger Stone was the one that informed the FBI about Spitzer, there is no doubt in my mind that Bruno had his hand in this.
The New York Times had an article regarding Stone also, see:
In this article, Stone resigned from his position as a consultant for the New York State Republicans after an allegation that Stone left a threatening message with Spitzer's father about bad loans in Elliot Spitzer's 1994 Attorney General election. According to the article, Stone had been known for dirty tactics.
Can we conect-the-dots from Bruno to Stone? If Stone had damaging information about Spitzer, do you think that he would share this with Bruno, especially after Spitzer came after Bruno first? I do. It is only natural. But is this proof that Bruno had a role in the Spitzer resignation? Not yet, but I'm sure there will be more to come. Again, I'm not condemning Bruno for what he did. I'm a Bruno supporter. Spitzer drew first blood with the most powerful man in New York State and Bruno did what he had to do.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Boycott the Olympics
Earlier this week, a possible boycott of the 2008 summer games opening ceremonies had been discussed due to the current situation in Tibet. See:
The citizens of Tibet are using this time to draw attention to their cause in the lead up to the summer games. Public relations is all about timing. The Olympics will bring thousands of reporters to China and Tibet is hoping for a little attention. But is boycotting the opening ceremonies the right move? I believe it is. First off, why in the world would the Olympics be awarded to China? Of all the beautiful countries in the world, all the historic cities, the committee picked Beijing, China.
There are so many other cities and countries that could benefit from the Olympics being held there. All the hotels, restaurants, everything. The Olympics bring in revenue, a large sum of revenue. All this revenue will be soon going to China. The irony is that, in turn, China will be using this on their increasing military budget.
Think how much a developing nation could benefit from the games. Giving the distinction of hosting the Olympics to China equates to Iran receiving the honor or North Korea or Cuba. China has been known to jail for political opposition, engage in Human Rights violations, and censor the media. This is not an open society and should not have been allowed to host the games.
The Olympics are the biggest stage in the World. China will use this opportunity to use the Olympics as a giant public relations event. They will try to show how great they are while rounding up reformers and hiding the bad. I urge more countries to come together and boycott the opening ceremonies. This non-violent protest will show China that their harsh rule will not be tolerated by nations around the world.
The citizens of Tibet are using this time to draw attention to their cause in the lead up to the summer games. Public relations is all about timing. The Olympics will bring thousands of reporters to China and Tibet is hoping for a little attention. But is boycotting the opening ceremonies the right move? I believe it is. First off, why in the world would the Olympics be awarded to China? Of all the beautiful countries in the world, all the historic cities, the committee picked Beijing, China.
There are so many other cities and countries that could benefit from the Olympics being held there. All the hotels, restaurants, everything. The Olympics bring in revenue, a large sum of revenue. All this revenue will be soon going to China. The irony is that, in turn, China will be using this on their increasing military budget.
Think how much a developing nation could benefit from the games. Giving the distinction of hosting the Olympics to China equates to Iran receiving the honor or North Korea or Cuba. China has been known to jail for political opposition, engage in Human Rights violations, and censor the media. This is not an open society and should not have been allowed to host the games.
The Olympics are the biggest stage in the World. China will use this opportunity to use the Olympics as a giant public relations event. They will try to show how great they are while rounding up reformers and hiding the bad. I urge more countries to come together and boycott the opening ceremonies. This non-violent protest will show China that their harsh rule will not be tolerated by nations around the world.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Most Expensive Sex in New York
Yesterday Elliot Spitzer resigned as Governor of New York State effective on Monday, March 17. I feel for his family, friends, and supporters but not for him. The State voted overwhelmingly for then Attorney General to become Governor. This could show us (again) that the candidate for an office is not the better candidate because he collects the most money, has the better qualifications, or have the memorable political ads. In hindsight, I hope that the people of New York would now agree that John Faso was the better candidate. Also, I don't believe that Spitzer thought that he would be caught. He was so arrogant as Attorney General and he called himself a "f***ing steamroller".
But there are bigger issues at-hand such as mob ties, possibility of blackmail, and integrity of prosecutions. It has been long learned that many prostitution rings are run by the Mafia. If they found out what Spitzer was doing, they could have blackmailed him for money, influence, or anything else. Spitzer put the whole State at risk for his actions. Lastly, If he "went after", as Attorney General, a prostitution ring that was a rival of the business he used frequently, that would breech many moral, legal, and ethical standards of the Office he held.
Does this taint all prosecutions of his office? There are thousands of former defendants and their attorneys waiting to see what happens and what comes out. I am sure that there will be many appeals brought into an already clogged system. How many millions of dollars will all this cost including time of all court challenges and changing all letterhead, envelopes, stationary, etc. When it is all said and done, this will be the most expensive sex in the history of New York State.
But there are bigger issues at-hand such as mob ties, possibility of blackmail, and integrity of prosecutions. It has been long learned that many prostitution rings are run by the Mafia. If they found out what Spitzer was doing, they could have blackmailed him for money, influence, or anything else. Spitzer put the whole State at risk for his actions. Lastly, If he "went after", as Attorney General, a prostitution ring that was a rival of the business he used frequently, that would breech many moral, legal, and ethical standards of the Office he held.
Does this taint all prosecutions of his office? There are thousands of former defendants and their attorneys waiting to see what happens and what comes out. I am sure that there will be many appeals brought into an already clogged system. How many millions of dollars will all this cost including time of all court challenges and changing all letterhead, envelopes, stationary, etc. When it is all said and done, this will be the most expensive sex in the history of New York State.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Is Today the Day that Spitzer Resigns?
Media outlets are reporting that Elliot Spitzer will resign effective on Monday, March 17th. We need to move on and have Lt. Governor David Paterson sworn in to ensure a smooth transition. The time delay is reportedly given to Patterson to prepare for the move. David Paterson will be the first African-American Governor in New York. He has a tough job ahead in Albany because it is a mess. I wish Governor Paterson the best and hope all Republicans work with the new Governor and work together as the Budget is due in roughly three weeks.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
"Client 9": The Case for Impeachment of Governor Elliot Spitzer
Is this "business as Usual" in Albany or what? Elliot Spitzer came into office in Albany promising change but is leaving in scandal. Spitzer, having prosecuted these kind of cases, must be the dumbest man in Albany. To read the court documents, visit:
When I first heard the news on March 10th, the very first thought that came into my mind was that Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno had something to do with this. If you recall, Spitzer and Bruno battled it out when Spitzer used New York State Troopers to investigate Bruno's travels. Bruno is arguably the most powerful man in New York State so who knows. Check out this link to a news story by WCBSTV.com from July 2007 (it is short):
It will shed a little more light on the political climate in Albany. But Spitzer was cleared from "Trooper-gate" see:
Bruno had to want Blood. I am a Bruno supporter as he has accomplished a lot for Upstate New York. It seems to me that someone did find the skeleton in the closet.
Lastly, New York State Assembly Minority Leader James Tedisco today called for Elliot Spitzer to resign within 24-48 hours or face impeachment proceedings.
I am calling for all Assembly members to support these proceedings. We, the people of New York, can not tolerate this misconduct from this man. Spitzer had been so unforgiving of people that he prosecuted, he needs to pay the price.
Do not blame me for this mess, I voted for John Faso.
When I first heard the news on March 10th, the very first thought that came into my mind was that Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno had something to do with this. If you recall, Spitzer and Bruno battled it out when Spitzer used New York State Troopers to investigate Bruno's travels. Bruno is arguably the most powerful man in New York State so who knows. Check out this link to a news story by WCBSTV.com from July 2007 (it is short):
It will shed a little more light on the political climate in Albany. But Spitzer was cleared from "Trooper-gate" see:
Bruno had to want Blood. I am a Bruno supporter as he has accomplished a lot for Upstate New York. It seems to me that someone did find the skeleton in the closet.
Lastly, New York State Assembly Minority Leader James Tedisco today called for Elliot Spitzer to resign within 24-48 hours or face impeachment proceedings.
I am calling for all Assembly members to support these proceedings. We, the people of New York, can not tolerate this misconduct from this man. Spitzer had been so unforgiving of people that he prosecuted, he needs to pay the price.
Do not blame me for this mess, I voted for John Faso.
Friday, March 7, 2008
The Greatest Presidential Campaign Ever: Barack Obama vs. Hillary Clinton and The Case for John McCain
It has been a while since I have written, I apologize. Yesterday I decided that I would once again continue writing everyday based on what is happening in the world and our country. As of today, we are down to two Democratic Presidential candidates: Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barack Obama. The Republicans have their Presidential nominee: Senator John McCain. I believe that the democratic race is going to get even more heated before the two would decide who would be on the top and the bottom of the ticket. The Clinton/Obama or Obama/Clinton ticket would be the logical conclusion to the campaign. This move would also sure up major factions in the Democratic party. The two candidates would be a money-raising machine. This will attract most of the media attention in the upcoming months. McCain can counter this by planning his important speeches, trips, and the announcemnet of his pick for Vice President strategically.
McCain has a huge advantage, he is the "Maverick". This is a great underdog story. He was down and out early in the campaign. He was not raising money and received little media attention. John McCain needs this time to organize, raise funds, and to rest. There is no doubt that the campaign took a toll on McCain but time is on his side. I am a McCain supporter. I understand that there are many Republicans that do not favor him. I admit he was not my first choice but he is what we are stuck with (so we better make the best of it). Compared to whatever the alternative would be, there are not any other choices.
If John McCain wins, it will be close as the country is so divided, we need someone who knows how to compromise. That is what he needs to stress, not run from. If Conservatives do not vote for him and waste their votes elsewhere, then McCain needs the moderates from both sides. I would argue that compromise is one of the most important aspects as a Senator. We have not elected a Senator since John F. Kennedy (1960). If McCain wins he would be facing a Democratic House and possibly a super-majority in the Senate. If he intends to get anything accomplished, he needs to compromise. This is a strength, not a weakness.
We are still living in a post-9/11 world despite not having been attacked in almost 7 years. We need a President that would make the terrorists afraid, not rejoice, when elected. John McCain has strong National Security experience and wouldn't hesitate to track, monitor, detain, or kill terrorists.
McCain lacks economic experience, so picking a VP is very important. My guess/choice would be Mitt Romney. He carries supoort, has resources, and has a strong economic background. This would also make the Conservatives happy (or atleast happier). It is a win-win. This would also set up Mitt Romney for 2012 nicely. There is no doubt that age must factor in with the McCain campiagn pertaining to the VP. He must for the better of the party for future campaigns. Romney ran a good campaign and would make a great future President, just not this time-around.
I urge anyone who has supported someone else or is on the fence about 2008 to take another look at John McCain. Our country and future generations depend on it.
McCain has a huge advantage, he is the "Maverick". This is a great underdog story. He was down and out early in the campaign. He was not raising money and received little media attention. John McCain needs this time to organize, raise funds, and to rest. There is no doubt that the campaign took a toll on McCain but time is on his side. I am a McCain supporter. I understand that there are many Republicans that do not favor him. I admit he was not my first choice but he is what we are stuck with (so we better make the best of it). Compared to whatever the alternative would be, there are not any other choices.
If John McCain wins, it will be close as the country is so divided, we need someone who knows how to compromise. That is what he needs to stress, not run from. If Conservatives do not vote for him and waste their votes elsewhere, then McCain needs the moderates from both sides. I would argue that compromise is one of the most important aspects as a Senator. We have not elected a Senator since John F. Kennedy (1960). If McCain wins he would be facing a Democratic House and possibly a super-majority in the Senate. If he intends to get anything accomplished, he needs to compromise. This is a strength, not a weakness.
We are still living in a post-9/11 world despite not having been attacked in almost 7 years. We need a President that would make the terrorists afraid, not rejoice, when elected. John McCain has strong National Security experience and wouldn't hesitate to track, monitor, detain, or kill terrorists.
McCain lacks economic experience, so picking a VP is very important. My guess/choice would be Mitt Romney. He carries supoort, has resources, and has a strong economic background. This would also make the Conservatives happy (or atleast happier). It is a win-win. This would also set up Mitt Romney for 2012 nicely. There is no doubt that age must factor in with the McCain campiagn pertaining to the VP. He must for the better of the party for future campaigns. Romney ran a good campaign and would make a great future President, just not this time-around.
I urge anyone who has supported someone else or is on the fence about 2008 to take another look at John McCain. Our country and future generations depend on it.
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